Saturday, November 3, 2012

Project Runway: big time all star season!

So! Remember when I stopped writing for the bloog because I was so so mad that my Joshua didn't win Project Runway season whatever? I mean how could that dum dum Anya win when Joshua's talent was so clear and his face so beautiful! So I said, hey, I will stop writing the bloog until this crime of fashion is brought to justice! I didn't tell anyone because hey, I'm busy and don't poosh me! Cause I'm close to the edge! Also I was trying to take up Kabbalah at the time--don't even ASK!

ANYWAY no big deal on any of that because Project Runway is back with another (??!) all star season and THIS time they did not forget the biggest all star of all: Joshua!

Oh my god, I'm melting right now! Melting into a poodle of admiration.

So, unfortunately, they would not let Joshua do the all star season by himself and just do all the challenges alone, so there are a bunch of weird design-y types hogging the camera from more Josh time. Let's take a look at the coompetition and see who would even have a chance to be getting second place.

Oh, oopsy, this one is from my personal collection. It shows Joshy glowing like an angel!! You can download it and save it and make it your desktop background (tiled) like I have if you wish.

So here's the real competish:
Ok, so obvi Joshua is front in center because we all know he's the star and ploos he's going to win. So great! Who else? Who else could POOSSIBLY even have a chance?? Dramatic Asian lady? Scary grinning bowtie man? Purple hair pucker face? Anyone sitting on a boox is too tired to win this thing, especially the lady with her foot off camera. Her foot was like, whoa there, we are up against Joshua?? No thank you, I am taking a pass on this! Good luck, lady I'm attached to!

Old lady with giant medallion maybe has a chance, maybe, if the medallion is enchanted.

Anyway, it will be a fun time seeing how Joshua destroys these people with his awesome design and talent and face. I will give you some updates if they're worth it and also depending on how quickly Joshua wins.


  1. Guys, why is my bloog not floooded with coomments of praise and support and admiration? Do I have to do all these things myself??? GREAT JOOB, JOOEY!! YOU ARE THE KING OF BLOOGS!

    Anyway, I forgot to post this link to the fan favorite-y thing: Spooky poofy lips Casanova is in the lead, but Joshy is right behind! You have to do the tweeter thing to vote though, and I REFUSE. So make sure you do! And don't vote for Laura Kathleen--I mean come on, that's not even a name!

  2. Joey, I'm not going to tweet for you.

  3. No one's asking YOU! You'd proobably just mess it up and vote for the wrong one anyway.
