Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Spooky times!

So hey loyal fans—thanks for everyone who has been checking the page for updates every single day. But you know I’m really much too busy for such poo poo blogs. Well I guess I have a few minutes. So its fall now people! This is the season I really get to shine I mean, I can play all spooky Halloweeny in the October, and then I just look fantastic in all the leaves in November? It’s a visual smorgasbord for that papz!

So back to Halloween, jeez. So you know I take my costumes very seriously. It’s more like art really. Remember when I went as the reindeer a few years back with my little red bell collar? And then the year I went as the little cat from sailor moon? Well, shes mostly black, but I have some black and white. It’s my heritage! My ancestors must have been snow leopards or something! If you compare pictures, we have a similar wild fire in our eyes. Whatever, I’m not gonna spend my life being a color, Macaulay Culkin!

So this year, for my art, I really looked deep inside my tiny cloob-looving German/Dutch heart and said Hey! I should be the little Mr. Peanut man!! He matches my persona to a tee!

Obviously this was a big hit with just about everyone. Except everyboody in the cloob gets so rowdy! And then all the boys—even a few cutie pa-tooties— are all Heey, let me try on your hat! Excuse me no! Hat hair! Plus about thirty booby pins. Dream on, dreamy!

Hopefully I’ll post again soon with some pictures of me playing in the snow, you know, getting back to my roots!


  1. Joey, I didn't get to see you in your hat! These pictures are so dope. You do look... kind of like that snow leopard?

  2. Sorry Moogy, I don't have time to respond to every single cooment. Goosh.
